nature reserve
Como Reserva Natural nuestro objetivo es la conservación del agua, de la Flora y de la Fauna nativa en su estado mas puro, fomentando proyectos para el desarrollo Integral y sustentable.
La Reserva Natural Tiraxi se ubica en el tercer piso altitudinal de las Yungas, el mismo se conoce como Bosques Nublados y estos se caracterizan por la gran diversidad biológica que albergan, así como por regular los importantes caudales hídricos de los ríos que los atraviesan. Además, han compartido una historia de uso y de oferta de recursos en forma ininterrumpida con la humanidad, durante por lo menos la última decena de miles de años. En la actualidad, estos bosques están considerados como uno de los sistemas naturales más frágiles a la intervención humana y su preservación es una prioridad internacional. Entre las áreas protegidas presentes en estos bosques se destacan las Reservas de Biosfera creadas con el objeto de conservar los recursos naturales y la vinculación de estos bosques con el hombre.
Tiraxi se encuentra entre los 1.500 y 2.800 msnm, es una zona de paisajes yungueños a pocos minutos de la capital de Jujuy.
Este paraje está considerado “monumento natural” por su laberinto boscoso de abras y quebradas, arroyos, vertientes y ríos de montaña.
Es un ambiente más húmedo que la Quebrada y la Puna y se encuentra caracterizada por una topografía muy accidentada donde los ríos corren profundamente encajonados.
La Reserva Natural Tiraxi cuenta con 1.200 hectáreas cubiertas de Yungas, la misma por su variación altitudinal cuenta con una enorme biodiversidad tanto en su flora (Alisos del cerro, Pinos del Cerro, Saucos, Arrayanes) y Fauna como ser corzuelas, pumas, oso melero, entre otros y además una gran diversidad de aves.

Acceso a la Reserva: Para llegar se deben realizar unos 20 km aproximados por RN N°9 en dirección hacia el Norte (Quebrada de Humahuaca) desde San Salvador de Jujuy, hasta la Localidad de Lozano. Una vez pasada la misma se cruza el puente del Río Lozano y a unos 50 mts aproximados se toma a mano derecha la RP N°29 (Ruta de ripio). Una vez que se ingresa, se realizan unos 2 km hasta el puente del Río Grande, luego de cruzarlo se deben recorrer 15 km en dirección noreste pasando por la localidad de Jaire, luego a unos 13 km se llega a Lagunita (Cartel de Comunidad Aborigen Tiraxi) pasando el mismo a 1,5 km se llega a la Reserva Natural Tiraxi.
The Tiraxi Nature Reserve
Tiraxi is located between 1,500 and 2,800 meters above sea level, it is an area of yungueños landscapes a few minutes from the capital of Jujuy.
This place is considered a «natural monument» for its wooded maze of open hills and streams, streams, slopes and mountain rivers.
It is a more humid environment than the Quebrada and the Puna and is characterized by a very rugged topography where the rivers run deeply encased.
The Tiraxi Natural Reserve has 1,200 hectares covered with Yungas, the same for its altitudinal variation has an enormous biodiversity both in its flora (Alisos del cerro, Pinos del Cerro, Saucos, Arrayanes) and Fauna such as corzuelas, pumas, Melero Bear , among others and also a great diversity of birds.
Las Yungas – Description of the environment
In Argentina, the Yungas, also known as Subtropical Mountain Forests, occupy a current area of 5.2 million hectares, extending from the border with Bolivia to the north of the province of Catamarca, passing through Salta, Jujuy and Tucumán. The Yungas are characterized by a strong altitudinal gradient, with species adapted to the most diverse environmental conditions (drought and high temperatures in the lower parts and in the highest areas high levels of humidity, frost and winter snowfall). In response to environmental conditions, the vegetation of the Yungas is organized into vegetation floors or strips of characteristics that are very differentiable from each other. There is also a latitudinal gradient (from north to south) of biological diversity caused mainly by the discontinuity of forest masses. These, in turn, are the product of the irregular distribution of mountain ranges on which they develop. In this sense, three latitudinal geographical sectors (North, Central and South) are recognized that contact each other through the mountain forests of Chaco in the intermediate areas. The North and Central sectors, also known as Alto Bermejo (where the Yungas Biosphere Reserve is located), have the highest biodiversity values and the largest continuous area of Yungas in Argentina.
The Tiraxi Nature Reserve is located on the third altitude floor of the Yungas, it is known as Cloud Forests and these are characterized by the great biological diversity they host, as well as by regulating the important water flows of the rivers that cross them. In addition, they have shared a history of use and supply of resources uninterruptedly with humanity, for at least the last ten thousand years. At present, these forests are considered as one of the most fragile natural systems to human intervention and their preservation is an international priority. Among the protected areas present in these forests, the Biosphere Reserves created with the purpose of conserving natural resources and linking these forests with man stand out.